Thursday 6 October 2011

Detox Diva

Thursday 6 October 2011

It's a love/hate relationship. They can taste pretty delicious and compliment your meat as well as being good for us. But there's something about a bowl of greasy cheesy chips that I just can't resist... well, potatos are vegetables right?

I've decided it's time to detox. (lose a couple of stone). But mainly detox. 

And of course I can't let this effect my love of food and cooking. I just have to be a little more creative and not so "red meat-minded" when it comes to dishes. This also means kicking my sugar habit, something that I know will not be easy, and I will probably pull my hair our, bite my nails down to stubs before I overcome my sugar issues. But... Challenge Accepted!

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, as well as the meal where you can eat the most because you have the time to work the calories off. A good, energising and healthy breakfast can leave me feeling like Tigger for the rest of the day. So let's get that nailed first.

In order to make sure I get a good dose of vitamins and minerals in the morning, I've constructed my own smoothie, which I have with two slices of rye bread.

And it goes like this.....

Green. Not the most appetising colour right?

But it tastes fresh, juicy and fruity.

Georgie's Breakfast Detox Smoothie.


  • 1 ripe mango
  • 2 big handfuls of baby spinach (a superfood!)
  • 2 kiwis
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 small cup of apple juice (not from concerntrate and NO sugar)
  • 2 cups of water

Blend it!

Now with this recipe you can make it your entire breakfast if you add something like protein powder or flaxseed. If you want a smoother result you can also sieve the smoothie before drinking!

All that's left is to enjoy your day. full of new found energy!

Pudding, Pie and Georgie. © 2014