Saturday 24 March 2012

You Know You're A Foodie When...

Saturday 24 March 2012

On pondering my love of food (something I spend most of my time doing), I considered what is it that makes me a foodie. Here are some of the reasons I came up with...

You get excited about novelty kitchen equipment.
Like this tiny grater. What would you use this for? I personally loved this little guy with abundance because it made me feel like a normal sized person.

You're idea of a low hassle lunch includes poaching and making a hollandaise sauce.
This was my lunch a couple of days ago. I fancied something quick and easy yet tasty and noticed a box of duck eggs had appeared in our kitchen. I cheekily pinched one, poached it and served it on a slice of sourdough toast, wilted spinach and covered in a buttery, homemade hollandaise. To be honest, I felt a little pretentious eating this... but I think that actually made it taste a little better.

You spend half an hour making a sandwich for your packed lunch.
I found the recipe for this one through Pinterest and it comes from 'Full Belly Sisters'. Grilled Gouda, Spinach and Avocado. Luckily we have a microwave at work to make the cheese extra melty. To top it off, you consequently spend the entirety of your morning at work thinking about said sandwich and how good it's going to be. 

The amount of spices you own replicates your supermarket spice section.
We have an entire shelf for our spices at home and this really isn't enough space. A spice rack would be out of the question - we need to construct a wall of spices. Should I order them alphabetically, by taste or heat or by origin?

You've found yourself sitting in front of food channels at 3am.
Food Network and Good Food are two of my best friends. I am always happy to settle down in front of the TV and put on a food show, whether it be Masterchef, Cupcake Wars or a celeb chef show. But sometimes I find myself drifting in to a daze and next thing I know, it's 3am. This was a regular occurance in our houseshare last year, but that was more acceptable as we'd often go out drinking until 3 and then switch on.

You've started planning your dream holiday around restaurants and food.
Rob and I have started planning our dream holiday where we would stay at the Snoqualmie Falls and then travel down the West Coast of the US. Taking inspiration from shows such as Man v. Food, our stops are purely planned around what we will be eating. I also find excitement in trying special local delicacies, no matter how weird and wonderful they might be.

A large proportion of your birthday presents are food and recipe books.
This year, I tripled my number of recipe and food books. Alongside this, I received kitchen and baking equipment. Enough said.

You bore your friends and family with your food knowledge.
Every time I find out something new about food, I feel the need to share it with my loved ones. This is purely because I find it completely fascinating. Unfortunately they don't tend to feel the same way.


  1. I passed this test - definitely a foodie! (The part about boring family and friends rings particularly true...)

    P.S. Did you like the oysters? The town I live in is renowned for them - we even have an annual Oyster Festival! I got filmed for TV eating my first one!

    1. I LOVE Oysters. I think they are so under-appreciated - my friends just turn their noses up at them. How did you react to your first one?!

      Georgie xx


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