Saturday 5 November 2011

If I was a cupcake, I would be.....

Saturday 5 November 2011
Editors Note: On further thought, this post is entirely ridiculous. Please don't feel you should read it.

Editors Note: I am trying to write this whilst a cat rubs itself all over me and the laptop. Very helpful Oscar, thank you.

I love these kind of questions, silly as they are. If you were an animal, what would you be? If you were a cocktail, what would you be? If you were a song, what would you be?
I think cupcakes are a great way to display personality because you can be so creative with the decoration as well as the flavours. If you've ever seen an episode of cupcake wars you'll know the extent that some people go to in order to push the boundaries of cupcakes.

If you're classing yourself as a cupcake in the 'If I were a cake, what would I be?' category, you're a pretty trendy cake, as everyone knows that cupcakes are "all the rage" on the baking scene. I wouldn't class myself as a cupcake on the whole, but let's not get into that right now.

Maybe you're a sweetheart cupcake. A dreamer. A softie. You love pink and believe in true love. (This is nearly me but not quite). These types of cupcakes are covered in fluffy, pink, sparkly, shiny, pretty things. They are flavoured with strawberry, bubblegum or marshmallow. They are the sickly, gushy cupcakes of the world, skipping down the street singing songs from Enchanted whilst being followed by bluebirds and chipmunks. Always dreaming of their happy ending.

Maybe you're the spooky Halloween cupcake. A different cake, it's a rebel but knows it's all a bit of fun really. It likes to strive for the minority and support being different.
With flavours like pumpkin, licorice, blood orange and dark chocolate, it's perfect for Halloween. Decorated in traditional Halloween attire, you might even think it's a bit of an Emo cake, but think again because it doesn't have a fringe covering half of it's face and it doesn't look anemic.
It likes to think that nobody else understands it and takes pride in breaking the mould.

Or perhaps you're the cupcake that's the height of sophistication. Often chosen for weddings because you just look right in a formal setting. Flavoured delicately with lavender or vanilla, it's light and fluffy and could be compared to a fresh summer's day or a chat over a latte. They are pretty cakes, with swirls and flowers or tiny delicate flourishes. It always takes pride in it's appearance and cares about the way others see it.

But me? I would be a cupcake that I made the other day. Pulled from the Hummingbird recipe collection.

I'd like to think I was a peaches and cream cupcake. Light fluffy vanilla sponge but hidden at the bottom is the tangy, juicy peach slices. Pretty pink icing, but it doesn't look too perfect (no where near in fact), with a cartoon yellow heart on top. For kookyness. Because I'm kooky, yeah? I'm writing a whole post on what sort of cupcake you think you are. Because obviously that was an extremely important issue that needed to be considered. 

I've put too much thought into this.

1 comment:

  1. I also have the Hummingbird book and made the peaches and cream cupcakes - they were so good that someone said they wanted to marry one of them. One of the best recipe books, for sure!

    I reckon I'd be a red velvet cupcake, cos I look white and fluffy and light on the outside, but I'm actually deep and dark and dramatic on the inside!


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